Shell Employees Savings and Loan Association

serving you since 1955

 SESLA Direct Line - (02) 8983-1874
      Frontline - (0917) 166-2538 / (0917) 148-2538
      Backroom - (0917) 156-2538

 Consumer Protection - [email protected]
       Frontline - [email protected]
       Backroom - [email protected]


High dividend rates for your capital contribution and competitive interest rates on special savings deposit (SSD).


  • Capital Contribution
  • Special Savings Deposit (SSD)

Capital Contribution

The CapCon of members is classified as either fixed/non-withdrawable or withdrawable. Fixed/Non-withdrawable CapCon refers to the members’ capital contribution which he/she must maintain for the duration of his membership thereon.

Withdrawable CapCon refers to the amount of capital contributions which may be withdrawn by a member pursuant to the terms and conditions in the By-Laws or as approved by the Board of Trustees and duly confirmed in the general membership meeting.

CapCon earns interest based on the results of its operations for the year ended at a rate determined by the Board of Trustees and paid to all its members after review and evaluation by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.