Shell Employees Savings and Loan Association

serving you since 1955

 SESLA Direct Line - (02) 8983-1874
      Frontline - (0917) 166-2538 / (0917) 148-2538
      Backroom - (0917) 156-2538

 Consumer Protection - [email protected]
       Frontline - [email protected]
       Backroom - [email protected]


Competitive interest rates on loans.


  • General Consumption Loan
  • Promo Loan
  • Calamity Loan
  • Car/Chattel Mortgage Loan
  • Housing/Residential Acquisition Loans
  • Other Loans

Calamity Loan

Lending Guidelines for Calamity Loan

  1. Qualifications:
    • Open to members of good standing.
    • Single Borrower’s Limit still applies.
  2. Mechanics:
    • Maximum loanable amount equivalent to one month salary or P25,000.00 whichever is lower.
    • Interest rate of 6% on the diminishing balance.
    • 1% handling fee.
    • Maximum term of 1 year.
    • Should another calamity occur in the same area, a borrower may renew his calamity loan anytime. The outstanding balance of his existing loan, together with any accrued interests, penalties and charges, shall be deducted from the proceeds of the new loan.
    • A member with existing calamity loan may avail of another calamity loan, provided that his total calamity loan availment does not exceed 25,000.00.
    • Availment should be within 60 days upon occurrence and declaration of the calamity.
  3. Requirements:
    • Residents of localities declared as calamity areas as certified by a Barangay Chairman/official.
    • Must obtain five (5) co-makers who have no outstanding calamity loan.
  4. How to File:
    • The applicant shall:
      1. Secure and accomplish one copy of SESLA Loan Application Form.
      2. Attach Certification from the Barangay Chairman that the member is a victim of the calamity.
      3. Latest payslip.
      4. Submit complete application, together with the required documents to SESLA office. Processing of loans shall commence only upon submission of complete documents.